Send Custom Events to Bonomi

Make HTTP calls to our webhook endpoints to trigger actions in our platform


The Bonomi Event API uses API token authentication. For each of our partners we provide a unique API Token, that should not be shared with anyone. To authenticate with the token, add Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN to the header of your calls.


Currently we provide one webhook endpoint for your calls with reservation-related events but we're adding more event types and endpoints over the course of 2022.

See the detailed reference for setting up your call to our Reservation endpoint.



The Bonomi Event API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of your request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error resulted from the provided information, and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Bonomi's servers. Common errors include: – 400 Bad Request This usually happens when the data sent with the call doesn't match the expected format. – 401 Unauthorized This happens when the authentication isn't correct. Either the API Token is wrong, the user token doesn't exist – 404 Not found This usually happens when the endpoint doesn't exist

Last updated