Assistant profile

Head to the Profile page to manage your Assistant's settings.

You can access your Assistant's Profile from the Bonomi dashboard, under the Assistants section. Find your Assistant, and click on "More".

The Assistant Profile page has 4 separate sections:

  • Analytics

  • Messages

  • Settings

  • Users


Here you will be presented with a suite of cards that give you an overview of your Assistant's performance and results.


You can setup automated messages for different frequently asked topics. Here you will also have the option to test how your Assistant works.

Setting Up Automated Messages


The settings tab allows you to manage your Assistant's settings. You can find here information about the enabled languages, channels and more. If you'd like to enable a new feature, please contact us.


If you want to give access a colleague to your Assistant, head over to the users tab. Click on the "Add user" button and enter the e-mail address of the invitee. They will be notified via e-mail.

If you're the owner of the Assistant, you can also remove previously invited users from accessing your Assistant.

Last updated