Channels Overview

Supported Channels

Bonomi supports the following messaging channels and the platform will continue to support more channels in the future.

Channels Summary

The table below summarizes on the connection difficulty level, the time needed, applicable cost and requirements for each channel.

If there is a need to connect to channels that require approval such as WhatsApp, Twitter and WeChat, we suggest requesting the business profile as a first step. Once the account is approved, you may proceed to connect it to Bonomi through the use of tokens.

Channel Capabilities

The table below will give you a quick comparison between channels, and their supported features.

*Channel does not support rich UI quick replies, uses numeric system instead. ^ Not all channel partners allow broadcasts. ª Some channels have a messaging window, replies can only be sent within the messaging window. ˘ Some channels have channel-specific features, you can find out more on the channel page. º Some channels have additional fees put in place by the channel provider.

Message Status Availability

For some channels, we are able to find out the message status whether has it been sent, delivered, read or failed. Refer to the following table on which channel offers message status availability:

Messaging Window

Some messaging channels have a limited messaging window for the contact to receive a response. The messaging window refreshes every time a message is received from a contact. Refer to the following channel and their respective messaging window:

The 24-hour messaging window is only applicable to WhatsApp Partner API channels; Twilio, Vonage, MessageBird & 360Dialog. WhatsApp Chat API does not have this limitation as it is not a WhatsApp Partner.

Sending messages outside the messaging window will be either limited by the system, or won't be delivered. There will be a red exclamation mark indicating the message is not delivered along with an error message.

For Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, they have a feature that allows users to send a message to the contacts beyond the messaging window.

Facebook Messenger Message Tags

To send a message to Facebook contacts after the messaging window, you can use Facebook Messenger Message Tag to do so. For more information on, look at Facebook Messenger Message Tag.

Use of tags outside of the approved use cases may result in restrictions on the Page's ability to send messages.

WhatsApp Message Templates

To send a message to WhatsApp contacts after the messaging window, you can use WhatsApp Message Templates to do so. For more information on, look at WhatsApp Message Templates.

Last updated